In light of moving into Phase 1 of the reopening the State of Louisiana, we are restarting public Masses in our parishes this weekend, May 16 th and 17th. However, we are only allowed to have a 25% occupancy rate. Therefore, for the time being, all Masses for the next two weeks will be at St. Elizabeth Church. We figure we can accommodate 125 people per Mass. It is my hope that we will not have to turn anyone away but be prepared for this happen. Here are things to consider:
The obligation to attend a Sunday Mass has been dispensed indefinitely. Therefore, there is no requirement that you must attend Mass on the weekend.
I would encourage those who are concerned about attending Mass during the weekend to come during the week.
Please only attend one Mass during this first week.
Please maintain social distancing even during the distribution of Holy Communion. Lines will be marked on the Church floor to help with spacing.
Seating is limited to open rows.
I ask that you fill the Church from the front to the back and follow the directions of the usher. I know some people will want to sit in their spot, but this will help with social distancing and counting the number of people who come to Mass.
Face masks will be required for everyone except when receiving communion. Please bring your own small bottles of hand sanitizer.
Communion in the hand is encouraged but not required.
A reminder that all Masses will be at St. Elizabeth through May 29 th at this time. Here is the Mass schedule:
Saturday – 4:00pm
Sunday – 8:30am and 10:30am ** (new time)
Monday – 6:00pm
Tuesday – 8:00am
Thursday – 6:00pm
Friday – 8:00am
As for Confessions and Adoration, I will look at introducing that after this weekend. If anyone would like to go to Confession, please contact me and we can set something up.
Here is some additional information:
There will be no missalettes for Masses at this time. Please bring your copy of the Word Among Us or you can use your phone app.
A basket will be located as you enter the church to drop off your tithing. Thank you to all for your generosity during these past two months who have given online or dropped off your tithes.
We will have music for the weekend Masses.
There will be no altar servers or choir for the Masses. Only one lector will be needed to assist at each Mass.
When exiting the Church, please maintain social distancing.
At this time due to concern of spreading the coronavirus to the most vulnerable in our community, Holy Communion will not be brought to the Sick and Homebound parishioners.
I want to thank you in advance for your cooperation and patience as begin public worship again. There will probably be some glitches along the way, but we will work through them. Let us continue to do our part to keep ourselves and others connected as well healthy! There will be new updates as we progress into Phase 1 and I will do my best to keep you updated through all forms of communication.